Bible Studies

Office Hours

Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod North Dakota bible study resources

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod North Dakota District is blessed to have a leadership team who are dedicated to the Gospel of Christ.  

Caught in the Middle

Rev. Nabil S. Nour

Bible Study on the Going Conflict Between the Arabs/Israelis
Prepared by Pastor Nabil S. Nour
A Palestinian Christian from Nazareth, an LCMS pastor and Fourth Vice-President of the LCMS

  click to read the study
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Bible Study on the Going Conflict Between the Arabs/Israelis
Prepared by Pastor Nabil S. Nour
A Palestinian Christian from Nazareth, an LCMS pastor and Fourth Vice-President of the LCMS

  click to read the study
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